Sunday, December 20, 2009

Carson's First Birthday

We celebrated Carson's birthday today. He had a great time!

We celebrated with friends and family.

Opening presents. He was more into playing with the other kids.

Singing Happy Birthday!

He wasn't sure what to do with the cake.

He kept looking at Ryan and I like "are you sure I can play with this"

Starting to like it...

Sharing with Daddy

Celebrating with friends

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Santa....I promise I've been good

We took Carson today to get his picture taken with Santa and it didn't go so well. We had a feeling he would be scared and we were right!

Getting ready to go see him

Checking him out

Doesn't want anything to do with him!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


It was such a beautiful day outside we decided to take Carson to the park so he could play in the big kids playground. He was a little scared at first but warmed up to it. He also showed off his walking skills. We ran into some friends when we got there and he enjoyed watching them play.

Already admiring the girls :-)

I can't believe he is walking!

Happy Halloween!

Carson was a lion this year, but unfortunately it started to rain as soon as we headed out. So we took some pictures as he walked around the house. He wasn't too crazy about the top part of his costume so we took it off.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Party, Party, Party

The past two weeks have been very busy. Carson has started walking! He wants to walk everywhere. We went out last weekend and got him some "big boy" shoes. We've been trying to take a video but every time we get out the camera he makes a mad dash after it, so we're still working on it.

Today he had his Halloween Party at school. They all sat together and ate puffs, it was so cute. The girl sitting next to him is his "girlfriend". He loves playing with her and consoles her when she is upset. We had a great time at the party and can't wait until tomorrow night to take him trick or treating.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

So many pumpkins.....

Here we are at the pumpkin patch.....

Check out the drool!

He'd rather eat them.

This was the maze for the children.

Riding the John Deere

Papa taking him in the wheel barrow

Shopping for pumpkins...

Still eating....

Exhausted after so much fun!

Pumpkin Patch

Carson had his first trip to the pumpkin patch today. He had so much fun. He played in the pumpkins and went for a ride in the wheelbarrow. He even got his own little pumpkin. Gee and Papa went with us too.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Starting to Walk

We had a great holiday weekend! Carson had tubes put in on Friday due to all the ear infections. His last one he had lasted for 6 weeks. After being on 4 different oral anitbiotics and 2 shots of antibiotics we went to the ENT. Our appointment was on Wednesday and he scheduled the surgery immediately (2 days later). It went well, he drained alot of fluid from both ears. Hopefully he will start feeling better now.

My stepmom (Grandma Debbe) came from FL to visit for the weekend. It was great to see her!

Carson's been doing alot of standing on his own. Tonight he discovered the truck and started pushing it from one end of the room to the other. He even figured out that when he couldn't go any further he could turn himself around. Here's a little video RYan was able to get of him starting to walk. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lots of Play Time...

Carson has been doing lots of playing lately. We attended out last baseball game this past weekend and took Carson with us. We tried to take him when he was younger but the noise scared him. This time he had a blast. He watched everyone around him and didn't get upset even once.

Getting ready to leave for the game

At the stadium

Carson and Daddy. (Look at his lips)

He's cutting 3 teeth right now so he's doing a lot of lip sucking.

Carson and Gee

Papa turned his hat around.

Carson and Papa watching the game.

Carson dicovered the newspapers underneath the couch.
He crawled under and pulled them out. He had so much fun playing with them.

Gee (Ryan's mom ) just bought this tunnel for him. He wasn't real sure of it at first. It kindof scared him. We put one of his bears in their and he went in after it.
After that he was back and forth.

This isn't the best expression but you can see his bottom two teeth.

At this point he was tired and ready to go eat dinner.