Sunday, October 5, 2008

Painting the baby's room

We started the baby's room this week. Ryan's mom and I painted two walls on Wednesday (she did most of it) and Ryan finished the rest on Saturday. I got to mostly supervise and do the trim work since I couldn't be around the fumes.
We also hung the window treatments. It's the Eli Elephant pattern from Pottery Barn. Now we are just waiting for the furniture. We ordered it 7 weeks ago and they said it should take 8-10 weeks. They're supposed to call tomorrow with an update.
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and have to do the glucose test. I'm not looking forward to it. Little peanut is kicking away like crazy. Actually it feels more like somer saults. He definitely loves to do it the most during the night. He already has his morning and nights mixed up.

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