Thursday, December 18, 2008

New House

Our walk through went very well today. I finally got pictures!!! If you look at the first picture you can see the big open field. That is actually a park! The last picture was taken from upstairs window overlooking the park.. We can't wait until Carson is big enough to go play on the swings. I included pictures from the kitchen, the family room (with the built ins), the upstairs play room and the master bedroom and bathroom. The tub in the master is a jacuzzi tub....can't wait to use that.
And now for the update on Carson. We went to the doctor this morning and I wasn't feeling real well. As soon as I got there I had to run to the restroom to throw up. The doctor came in and checked the heart beat and measurements. We started talking about the uncomfortableness and how scared I am of the pains of labor and her reply was "Do you want to be induced? I can induce you tomorrow." Ryan and I were in complete shock! We never expected her to say that. So we talked to her about how it would work and told her we needed to go home and talk about it.
After talking to our parents and several friends we decided to go ahead. We called the doctor back and the hopsital was booked :-( We had gotten our hopes up and were getting excited but now we are back to the waiting game. I go back on Monday for my next appt. She said she could induce on Tuesday but that means we could be at the hospital for Christmas. So we'll see what happens and how I feel.

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